Family Counselling

by Diane Rooker


This is the time to heal, re-connect and learn a different way how to be together

Having my children has been an experience that if given the opportunity again I would do it all again. I have learned a great deal about who I am as a person in this journey of parenting. When my first child was born I must have missed the part when they said “ Congratulations on the birth of your first child and here is the parent manual” All the knowledge a parent has regarding parenting is how they were parented. The relationship I wanted to have with my children was to be mutually open and honest in our communication and to continue to have a positive relationship into their adulthood, and although each of my children is different I feel I have a great relationship with each of them.

Raising a family for some parents can be a rewarding and incredibly fulfilling experience and for others, it can be difficult and a constant struggle. Obviously, everyone’s circumstance and environment are different. Most parents can find parenting difficult from time to time.

When difficult life situations arise, illness, divorce or just being overworked then relationships between family members can become strained and, if left untreated it can eventually lead to a breakdown in the entire family dynamic.

Family counselling can help by providing a safe place and a ‘neutral ground’ where families can work through their issues is a supportive environment. Family Counselling can be achieved with one or two parents, bringing in one child or the entire family, usually the first time everyone’s needs are being heard and once we have a clear understanding of what the issues are then we can take steps to finding solutions together.

If you have children and adolescents, family counselling can bring your family together to improve communication, address everyone’s concerns and needs, and strengthen family relationships.

When can family counselling help?

Families come to counselling for a variety of reasons and with different needs. If there is an issue within your family that has been difficult to overcome between yourselves, chances are family counselling will be able to help.

Examples of when family counselling can be most helpful include:

  • Unusual behaviour in children and teens from anger to drug taking.
  • Parents having marriage issues applies a lot of pressure on the entire family unit
  • Parent-child issues – having problems with one child in particular
  • Sibling disharmony.
  • Problems within stepfamilies.
  • Violence and safety issues.
  • School issues – bullying, truancy, etc.
  • Worries about alcohol and drugs
  • Effects of illness in the family.
  • Introducing a new partner.
  • Read More about our Parenting Myths

When families can talk openly, often misunderstandings can be addressed, problems resolved, and relationships can move forward and develop.


Every child is different, and depending on the particular set of circumstances your child or teenager may benefit from a few sessions on their own prior to or after family counselling.

This can help them put into words (and gain a deeper understanding) of what they are concerned about. Some children have not yet developed the language to express difficult emotions, so these sessions can really add value to the process.

Most children don’t mind coming into the office they like to have the opportunity to be heard and some are very vocal and can articulate very well how it is for them and then there are other kids who struggle to talk and to even make eye contact, all situations are absolutely fine. All children are treated equally and all needs are cared for. Diane has had many years of experience and has a very gentle and kind approach. Every child and circumstance are different, and depending on the particular set of circumstances your CHILD OR TEENAGER could benefit from a few sessions on their own prior to or after family counselling, this can be established while having the initial over the phone call with Diane. A child will not be seen on their own or even with a parent unless Diane has had a session or a phone conversation with the parent to establish if this is the correct approach.

Some children have not yet developed the language to express difficult emotions, so these sessions can really add to the process of achieving a successful result.


This is a time where parents can relax and hand over their issues to someone who can take charge and facilitation the process, knowing that the best interests of the entire family are being cared for.

Parents may also benefit from individual counselling or marriage counselling separately from the children being present this may support them in managing their family issues with more clarity and confidence. Don’t try to take on all the pressures and strains of your family yourself. It’s OK to reach out and ask for guidance from someone who has already raised her own children and who is qualified to support you.

Don’t try to take on all the pressures and strains of your family yourself. It’s OK to reach out and ask for help.


The benefits of family counselling include:

  • Learn how to understand the needs of all family members.
  • Increased communication skills and ability.
  • Learn how to Problem-solve where everyone is happy with the result.
  • Develop happy and loving relationships.
  • Understanding how your family functions and how to be a solid family unit.
  • Learn to understand each other and yourself.
  • Receive support and direction.

If you feel that Family therapy may be supportive for your family or you are not quite sure then contact Diane!

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