Packages available
Powerful strategies to transform relationships
From conflict to connection
Package 1
Marriage/Relationship- 4 x 60 Minute sessions
- 2 x Couples sessions
- 2 x Individual sessions
Not sure if the package is for you or which one to choose? That is fine, we can discuss your needs after we have the first session payment will only be required after you have had the first session. You can pay as you go at the casual rate for a one-hour session, meet me, ask any questions you may have, you may then choose to leave the sessions casually. I am happy to discuss all options with you, just contact me.
Why the couples package?
It can take roughly 10 years before a couple comes to seek support after the cracks have begun.
I offer a fast-track process to be walking on the same path again.
The Psychotherapy ( RCH, Rapid Core Healing) I provide for couples is a process that addresses the main problem areas quickly and effectively using specific techniques in which I am experienced and qualified. A commitment of at least four appointments would be beneficial and highly recommended. There are no quick fixes when it comes to relationships, but healing the trigger that is causing the problems to escalate can be addressed quickly and effectively using my RCH process.
In order to Re-Ignite who you are as a couple, you first need to Re-Store who you are as individuals and as a couple, clearing out what no longer supports or serves you as an individual and as a couple.
(If you have a muddy pool and you tip a little clean water into it, the water will always be dirty, but if you drain the mud out of the pool, then fill it up with clean water the pool is swimmable again)
I provide the process and commitment and you provide the willingness. Each couple’s issues are unique to that particular couple so the needs within each package will be unique to your situation.
In order to Re-Store what once was great, events from the past that are affecting the present need to be cleared out, to then be able to Re-Ignite who you are as individuals and as a couple to maintain a happy & fulfilling marriage.
Re-Store and Re-Ignite packages came to fruition to provide couples with the best chance of success in moving forward towards a happy and fulfilling marriage, where both individuals’ needs are satisfied.
It takes about 10 years to start seeing cracks in a marriage, to be walking slowly but steadily in separate directions. I offer a Fast Track to be walking on the same path once more.
(Extra sessions may be required depending on each couple’s / individual’s needs)
Individual \ Personal Development
3 x 60 Minute sessions
Psychotherapy is a fast and effective way to approach healing past. We all have some kind of unfinished business from our childhood. These unresolved issues don’t go away as an adult unless you clear them at the core. This is where the type of psychotherapy I use is powerful and has fast and effective results.
This is your time to focus on what you need and desire for yourself, be it a long-standing issue, past trauma, negative behaviours, low self-esteem, anxiety, or want to be the best version of yourself. The most important and exciting aspect is that by taking up the package offer, you have committed to yourself.
Let’s journey together!
Terms and conditions for all packages:
- The package is one payment at the time of your first appointment
- There are no refunds given once payment has been made.
- It is best to have your sessions close together but if there are any unforeseen circumstances then you have 6 months to use your remaining sessions.